mercoledì 23 novembre 2016

Step by step

Step by step... everything starts with a step forward.
One step to the right, one to the left, one more, another one and then... a couple others, otherwise we lose balance and fall, and hurt ourselves.
Everything starts with movement and challenging ourselves to go on and reach what's too far from where we are...
We start tossing and turning in our cradle to get to our mom, making her understand that we need to smell her scent and feel her chest on our cheeks.
Then we move, roll, spin, slither, and finally crawl, feeling free and indipendent to discover a total new world, being able to reach that high drawer we've been wondering what it contained for so long, discovering there are only a book, a magazine and a couple flat batteries. We could have found everything in it, and still have fallen in love with such colorful, misterious and desired objects, just because they were so new and finally in our hands.
But nothing's better than what happens few weeks later... at last, those two chubby feet that have been facing the sky since two seconds ago, are now facing the ground, feeling the cold floor under their surface and the thrill of the further new change, we're growing!

Actually, if I think a little about it, the world can only be discovered and appreciated if we stand up and stretch, walking on tiptoes, and again, step after step, getting closer to our destination. And when you arrive there, don't sit down, look for another stage, a further one, a more challenging one, and start your journey all over again.

This is what I told myself before leaving to come here to the United States...
You're leaving your first stage, moving away from what you've been working on and building for all this time, now rise your head, look a little higher, march aiming at the next target, and show everyone that besides each difficulty, besides the cluster of clouds that will blur your goal and will tend to convince you to leave everything and turn back, you will be able to face them all, and go straight ahead on your way, without looking back your shoulders... and most importantly, never look down.

Now I'm here, I still have to walk a little on this route to get to the end, and I'm even closer to my first stage, the half of my stars and stripes story.
I oftimes look back, peruse all the steps I took, lots and lots of steps that lead me to be MYSELF.
We learn to live by growing up, and I can't say I've already grown up yet, but I can rather shout out loud that I look into and examine myself  from the outside... and yes, definitely, here I'm forced to become mature.
My growth is still in the process of development, but I'm more than sure that everything is happening in my life and experience is what is making me Adult, brick after brick.

Now more than ever my inner self wanders in a sea of uncertainty, but at the same time it knows what  is going on.
I know what I want, and I'm surprised I still don't know what I'm missing.
I have my whole dream realized, but at the same time I have nothing I expected. In fact, I have way more that I could have even thought I could have got.
I hold on in my hands each single moment that flies away, and as they fly away, I can't lose more time running after them, I can't afford wasting the steps I'm given to live, they'll finish, and I want to live them in the best way I can and I'm able to.

I know, it might sound a little awkward, it might look like I'm writing random sentences, with apparently no reason, but this is exactly what I'm feeling at this very moment. An infinite swirling of emotions and thoughts, which I oddly and finally managed to decode.
They're details.
They're all details.
Details of an history, details of a life fragment, details that form a whole, and usually make you feel way better.
I found tons of details, I put them in a drawer not to risk losing them, and sometimes I wrote them down on a piece of paper, to make sure they're chained to my bones and to stop the wind from blowing them away.
I collected every kind of details... details of happiness and sadness,  of melancholy, of absences and surprises, of hope, of revaluation, or better, more than A SINGLE revaluation, of second thoughts and  decisions taken trusting my gut, details of coming, going away, unexpected returnings and forgiveness.
I have details of cravings, necessities and denials.
I have laughs, weeps, joys and also some grief.
And I don't mind what this whole thing may involve, is involving or will involve. It could be something goos, as weel as something bad, but I still don't mind. I want to remember each single little thing, each moment, each detail, each step I take.

Furthermore,at this point I can't do anything but say thank you to all the people that have always been by my side.

Like my mom, who with a simple Good Morning every day and a "Good night sweetie" each night before falling asleep reminds me how empty her life is without me in her way.
Like my dad, who never calls or texts me because every time he hears from me, he starts to cry, and he wants to preserve all the tears he has for January, when the day we meet again to celebrate my 18th birthday will come and we will hug again.
Like my grandmas and my uncles and aunties, who stay off the grid not to stole time from this huge experience, but who would all at the same time crawl through glass to fly here every day, hug me and tell me they're by my side, whatever happens, and that they love my immensely.
Like my host-family, that is getting to be my Second official family, making me feel unique, loved, part of their lives, and special through their simple but loving words.
Like my friends, like those people that are still here, no matter what, like who sometimes writes me and who has never stopped thinking about me and the day I'll come back.
Like that person who went away and then came back, with a clear and sincere Sorry, making me understand how important I can be too.
Like who got my limits and respects them, being aware of what I think, knowing which will be my future actions and thoughts, especially because he's incredibly identical to me.

Thank you to you all, thank you for being here for me, to support and help, holding my hand and walking with me.
I love you.


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